Design Guide for Secondary Suites in Houses Ontario

Where are Secondary Suites Permitted?

  • Subject to compliance with Zoning By-law 1997-123, Secondary Suites are permitted:
    • Within a single detached house, semi-detached house or a row/town house
    • Within a building that is accessory to one of these houses
  • The property must be serviced by municipal water and sanitary sewers unless specifically permitted otherwise in the Zoning By-law
  • An access route from a fire hydrant to a pumper vehicle plus an unobstructed path of travel for a firefighter from the vehicle to the primary entrance of a Secondary Suite must not exceed 90 metres (295 feet), and,
  • An unobstructed path of travel for a firefighter from a pumper vehicle to the primary entrance of a Secondary Suite must not exceed 45 metres (147.6 feet).
  • Where these distances can not be achieved, an alternative firefighting or access solution is required that promotes public safety to the satisfaction of the Peterborough Fire Services and the City of Peterborough Building Services Division.
  • The principal dwelling must be a permitted land use in a Residential Zoning District in the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law 97-123
  • The suite must not be located in a floodway as defined in the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 or any successor
    • To check location of your property relative to the floodway, visit Otonabee River Conservation Authority Property Inquiry page and submit an electronic ticket

Zoning By-law Regulations: Detached Suites

Zoning Regulations for Secondary Suites located in detached accessory buildings
Number of Principal Dwelling Units on Lot Minimum Distance to rear of Principal Dwelling Minimum Distance from the Side or Rear Lot Line Maximum Height Maximum combined Lot coverage for all accessory buildings a
1 or 2 1.2 metres
(3.9 feet)
0.6 metres
(2 feet)
4.3 metres (14.1 feet) 10%
3 to 15 2.4 metres
(7.9 feet)
2.4 metres
(7.9 feet)
4.3 metres (14.1 feet) 10%

aCumulative lot coverage of all accessory buildings (e.g. secondary suite, sheds, detached garages, etc.) plus coverage of the Principal Dwelling must comply with the overall lot coverage regulation of the applicable Residential Zoning District.

Zoning Regulations for Secondary Suite Graphic

Parking Requirements

Parking inside a garage can count toward fulfilling the required parking provided the garage interior meets the minimum parking space size requirement outlined below. Parking spaces are not permitted in the road right of way. A survey may be required to confirm the location of the proposed spaces meets the minimum requirements. Parking must be located on the property in accordance with the by-law requirements outlined below:

Parking Requirements by Dwelling Type and Area in the City of Peterborough
Principal Dwelling Type Parking Area 1 Parking Area 2 Parking Area 3
Single Detached 1 space for principal dwelling, 0 spaces for suite 1 space for principal dwelling, 1 space for suite 2 spaces for principal dwelling, 1 space for suite
Semi-detached 1 space for principal dwelling, 0 spaces per suite 1 space for principal dwelling, 1 space for suite 2 spaces for principal dwelling, 1 space for suite
Row or Townhouse 1 space for principal dwelling, 0 spaces per suite 1.5 spaces per principal dwelling, 1 spaces per suite 1.75 spaces per principal dwelling, 1 space per suite

Table Note. Tandem parking for a secondary suite is permitted in all parking areas. Where the required number of parking spaces results in a fraction, the parking requirement is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Parking Areas

To identify which Parking Area applies to your property, please use our interactive map tool:

  1. Enter the address of the property in the search bar
  2. Click anywhere in the highlighted property box (the map will identify the Parking Area for the property)

Additional Parking and Driveway Regulations

  • Minimum size of a parking space:
    • Parking Area 1: 2.5 metres (8.2 feet) by 5.5 metres (18 feet)
    • Parking Areas 2 and 3: 2.7 metres (8.9 feet) by 5.7 metres (18.7 feet)
  • On any lot containing a single-detached dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling as the Principal Dwelling, no more than two motor vehicles can be parked within 6 metres of a streetline (i.e. a mutual property line with a street)."
  • Where a parking lot contains five or more parking spaces, the parking lot and the driveway must maintain a minimum 1.5 metre (4.9 feet) setback from a side or rear lot line
  • Maximum driveway width at the mutual property line with a street:
    • Single detached or row/townhouse lot with less than 9 metres (29.5 feet) of lot width: 3 metres
    • Single detached or row/townhouse lot with 9 metres (29.5 feet) or more of lot width: 6 metres (19.6 feet)
    • Semi-detached residential lot: 3 metres (9.8 feet) per driveway

Note: Permitted driveway widths may vary where site specific permission has been granted.  Please confirm driveway width requirements with City staff.

Additional Parking Regulations - Lot Widths

  • Maximum number of driveways:
    • Lots containing a single dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling that have a lot width of less than 20 meters (65.6 feet): 1 per Principal Dwelling
    • Lots containing a single dwelling or a semi-detached dwelling that have a lot width of 20 metres (65.6 feet) or more: 2
    • Lots containing multiple Principal Dwellings, such as a block of row/townhouse dwellings, with private entrances at grade: 1 per Principal Dwelling
    • Other lots (e.g. corner lots): 1 per streetline

Maximum Number of Driveways per Lot Widths


I would like to install an apartment in my house with more than two bedrooms

Apartments in houses with more than two bedrooms are not considered secondary suites and therefore require zoning that specifically allows for more than one dwelling unit on a property (e.g. Residential District 2 - R.2)

What if my property cannot meet the minimum parking requirements?

If additional parking cannot be provided on the property, the construction of a suite may not be possible under current conditions and the property may need to be re-zoned. Please contact the City's Planning Division for additional information on your property

I would like to apply for a building permit for my secondary suite

Please visit "Building Permit Application Requirements for Secondary Suites Guide" or visit Building Services Division in City Hall located at 500 George Street North (Carnegie Wing of the building. Red Brick Building. Entrance on George Street).

Disclaimer: The design examples, including sample drawings, in this guide are not advice nor do they address all the requirements for legally establishing a secondary suite. It is each property owner's responsibility to ensure compliance with all current applicable law, including the Ontario Building Code, the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law and any other provisions or regulations applicable to secondary suites. A copy of the Ontario Building Code (Ontario Regulation 332/12 made under the Building Code Act, 1992) is available online through the e-Laws website.

  • A copy of the City's Comprehensive Zoning By-law is available online through City of Peterborough's website

Design Guide for Secondary Suites in Houses Ontario


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